2010-11 - DIASRAYA II

Brief description of events: Casualty sank whilst moored to SMB-buoy in Oil Field.
Date of incident: | November, 2010 | |
Location: | Off Sumatera, Indonesia |
2010-10-09 - BERUNA MEGA

Brief description of events: Whilst on the way from Jakarta to Belawan, Sumatera, the casualty ran aground. Salvage services were rendered by IJmuiden based Svitzer Salvage under LOF. The majority of the cargo (containers) was salvaged; however Salvors were unable to salvage the casualty, which subsequently was wrecked.
Date of incident: | October 9th, 2010 | |
Location: | Off Pulau Sinkep, Indonesia |
2010-10-06 - CHRISTIAN D

Brief description of events: Casualty grounded on rocks. Services rendered under LOF with SCOPIC Clause invoked, by IJmuiden based Svitzer Salvage.
Date of incident: | October 6th, 2010 | |
Location: | Off Kythira Island, Greece |
2010-06-30 - KOTA KADO

Brief description of events: Whilst in transit from Nansa, China to Singapore, the casualty collided with a submerged island named Lix in Pai located in the Dadanwei Shuidao South of Hong Kong. The Master decided to return to Hong Kong and controlled grounded the casualty. An extensive STS operation had to be conducted prior to the refloating operation.
Date of incident: | June 30th, 2010 | |
Location: | Hong Kong, China |
2010-05-01 - SEA SUCCESS

Brief description of events: The Casualty, laden with 25,739.312 MT of steel cargo bound for Callao, Chile collided with Bulk carrier BRIGHT CENTRY, fully laden with about 170,000MT iron ore with destination Bayuquan / Yingkou port, China. The BRIGHT CENTRY sank quickly while the casualty remained afloat. Yantai Salvage agreed to a LOF contract and managed to stabilize the casualty by off-loading her cargo.
Date of incident: | May 1st, 2010 | |
Location: | Off Weihai, China |
2010-01-26 - SEA ANGEL

Brief description of events: Whilst on the way from Malaysia to Mainland China, the vessel encountered severs problems due to bad weather conditions and eventually sank between Taiwan and the Penghu Islands. The vessel had a load of 6,000 tons of round logs in both the two holds as well as stored on deck. Some of the wood has been recovered during the following days but the majority went missing. The wreck went missing and GSC was appointed by the P&I Club to search and locate it, which was successfully accomplished within 24 hours after arrival at the site by means of a well-equipped Survey vessel
Date of incident: | January 26th, 2010 | |
Location: | Port of Lisbon, Portugal |

Brief description of events: Vessel was deployed on a ferry service between islands of the Azores until it was moved to Lisbon in 1999 where the accommodation and bridge interior of the ship except for the engine room was largely scrapped as the owner was planning to convert it into a cruise ship. Subsequently the remaining casco went into lay-up status. Salvage Company Multraship based in Terneuzen, The Netherlands were contracted to remove the wreck by means of wreck grabbing in the spring of 2010
Date of incident: | 1999 | |
Location: | Port of Lisbon, Portugal |
2010-01-01 - Mono Pile Recovery

Brief description of events: These Mono Piles were towed from Zeebrugge to the wind farm location and kept afloat by special designed plugs. One of these plugs malfunctioned and the Mono Pile sank. Salvage Company Multraship based in Terneuzen, The Netherlands were contracted to recover the object. A sheerlegs was mobilized to execute the operation successfully.
Date of incident: | January, 2010 | |
Location: | North Sea, Dutch sector |
2009-12-31 - CSCL HAMBURG

Brief description of events: Casualty ran aground on Woodhouse reef near the tourist place Sharm el Sheik. Rotterdam based SMIT Salvage refloated the casualty under a LOF contract.
Date of incident: | December 31st, 2009 | |
Location: | Sharm el Sheik, Egypt |
2009-06-20 - COLOMBO QUEEN

Brief description of events: Whilst in transit from Hiroshima to Sri Lanka, the casualty was hit by Tropical Storm Lifna and beached on a rocky coastline. Several attempts to refloat the casualty failed and subsequently the casualty ended up as a wreck, which was removed by a local contractor.
Date of incident: | June 20th, 2009 | |
Location: | Pingtung County, Taiwan |
2009-08-07 - WO-BUDMO

Brief description of events: Whilst in transit from Hai Phong, Vietnam to Taichung Taiwan the casualty grounded on the near Hou-wan, Taiwan after she was hit by typhoon Morakot. Initial Salvage Services were rendered under LOF with SCOPIC Clause invoked, by American based Titan Salvage. After the bunker removal was completed the casualty was declared a CTL and subsequently a local contractor removed the wreck.
Date of incident: | August 7th, 2009 | |
Location: | Hou-wan, Taiwan |
2009-07-25 - MCT BREITHORN

Brief description of events: The Casualty, a combined chemical and oil tanker laden with 17,000 tons of ethanol, ran aground whilst outbound from Port Esquivel. Salvors T&T-Bisso from Houston, obtained a LOF contract and successfully refloated her after part of the cargo was transferred during a STS operation.
Date of incident: | July 25th, 2009 | |
Location: | Port Esquivel, Jamaica |
2009-04-01 - MARINERO 1

Brief description of events: Casualty sank during bad weather conditions to 80 meter of water depth. Salvage Company Multraship based in Terneuzen, The Netherlands were contracted to recover the casualty. A sheerlegs was mobilized to execute the operation and the casualty was raised successfully to the surface.
Date of incident: | Spring, 2009 | |
Location: | Island Via, Croatia |
2009-05-08 - GOLIATH

Brief description of events: Casualty under tow on maiden voyage, taking in water and required to be beached. Salvors managed to locate and stop the ingress of water, after which the compartments could be de-watered and casualty be refloated. Services provided by Multraship, Terneuzen, The Netherlands.
Date of incident: | May 8th, 2009 | |
Location: | English Channel, UK |