Over the past decade, Global Salvage Consultancy has built up an impressive track record in the salvage and wreck removal market, serving all relevant Stakeholders. The combined case experiences, in excess of 500, of the Partners and Associates, provide a pool of expertise essential to deal with the most complex and challenging situations Stakeholders may face during incidents.

With the focus solely on salvage and wreck removal operations, our Experts maintain, optimise and further develop project-critical competences and experience required to remain up to date in a rapid changing environment. It is essential that we guarantee quality, continuity and experienced back-up for every appointment.

All our Experts have worked with leading international operating Salvage Companies, ensuring that they have a “Salvors eye” during on-site operations, and afterwards, when claims require to be reviewed and adjusted. Whether your require a Special Casualty Representative, a Salvage Consultant, a GA Surveyor, a Salvage Master, Project Management for wreck removal operations or technical assistance during and/or after an incident, we advise you to consider the timely involvement of Global Salvage Consultancy – a real provider of Salvage Expertise.


Latest Involvement


Casualty Name: Barge TRIAS
Brief description of events:
Whilst under tow, the tow line parted during bad weather and sea-state conditions. Subsequently the barge grounded in a nature reserve. Finnish based Salvors Alfons Hàkans were awarded the LOF...

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